Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I frequently have fights with inanimate objects...

...and lose. Oh sure. I have a few wins. But they are few and far between.

I feel as if I should enter an explanation here. Let me put it real simple. The doctor pokes around in your brain. Cuts stuff out. Messes with things. My brain personally did not like the intrusion. It retaliated. It retaliated ten fold. I have some nerve damage. The tumor was on the left. The left side of my face had partial paralysis. It's pretty much gone now. Still a bit numb, though. My left eye got messed up somehow. It got a nasty scratch across the cornea that would not heal. I still think one of the previously mentioned ICU nurses got a quiet revenge. Well, a nerve was messed up there too. So the absolutely wonderful opthamologist sewed it closed so it would heal and I could keep it. It healed. He still has it shut. I'm getting a second opinion as soon as I see my ENT on the 6th and he gives me a rec. I like my ENT. Not so happy with the opthamologist.

But wait! There's more. Once you get past the facial fun, my left side is all peachy keen. My right side has decided to pick up where my left side has apparently slacked off. I have poor balance. I am very week in my right side. Imagine a toddler just learning to walk. As for my 20 month old has better dexterity than I do.

So what brought up the entry? I somehow ended up wrapping presents on my own. Not normally a big deal. Normally is the key word here, people. I can't remember the last time my life was normal. We did shopping on a budget this year. I truly hope my family understands. We got a couple of hand held video games for my two nieces that I aquired on sale months ago. It's a Tinkerbell thing. For my little BIL, we are gifting down out Nintendo DS with 3 games. We never play and he wants one. For my husband's godson, a pair of walkie talkies that we also aquired on sale months ago. For my SIL. Something I ran across. She reads my FB with I have put a link to here. I don't think anyone really reads, but...

My son got a play kitchen and shopping cart. Since my husband is working a ton, then we are leaving tomorrow to go down to the IL's, we put his kitchen together Tuesday night. 3.5 hours. Got it on sale for $35. Next year I'll pay more, have less to assemble...I hope.

Again, tonight's entry. Did I mention this surgery has main me more scatter brained and forgetful than I already was? Seriously...I barely remember this morning and you are asking me about last year?

But tonight's entry. I was wrapping presents. I used a gift bag for my Secret Santa. I wrapped the rest. I fought hard and valiantly. I won a couple of battles. Unfortunately, I lost the war. A few people are getting gifts with very interesting wrapping jobs this year. Hey, it's what is inside the paper that counts...right?

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