Saturday, December 26, 2009

Having a toddler is not fun when they have more coordination than you

Yup. You read it right. There are times my 20 month old has more coordination than me...and I am 24. Comes with the territory of having some nice doctors molest your brain for ten hours.

First off, my balance sucks. I have to brace myself to look up as in tilt my head back. I can't look up while I am walking as in look ahead. Always down. My apartment complex needs to keep better grounds. I can carry my son about a whole 3 very careful steps. That is a big improvement and just happened in the last month. I trip very easily. I can't handle looking around while moving. I have to stop and brace myself. I am working on this in physical therapy.

My hand-eye coordination sucks. Can we start with the fact that I have limited control and feeling in my right hand? Considering when I first woke up control and feeling were 100% non-existent, I am fine with just limited for now. It's like my skin is stretched really, really tight and my muscles are all wound up.

Simple things take a lot of effort from me. I can only do about 5-10 minute cleaning spurts. Imagine how well that works with a toddler. I can really take him outside much because uneven ground = death wish for me. Or at least another hospital visit for me. You will excuse me if I feel that between having a baby and all the in and out of the hospital while they were trying to figure out what was wrong plus the actual surgery and recovery stay I have covered my hospital quota. The only time I want to see the inside of a hospital again is to bring home a baby. I would prefer mine.

The worst thing is I get winded. Like, we were winding down Christmas night. There were toys and trash everywhere. I picked up most of it and afterward, you'd think I had run a mile. My husband finished picking up the rest. He would have helped from the beginning, but I started while he was in the shower.

Oh yeah, holidays are not fun for me. Too much noise & chaos. I like calm and control. After this last year I really like feeling like I have control over my life. Of course, this is a delusion. I do get confused a bit easily sometimes now. Now like, crazy old confused lady. My brain just catches a little lag now and then.


  1. Housework is bad for the soul. Just saying.=)

  2. I was brought up in a military household. 2, actually. My parents were divorced. My dad Air Force and my mom Army. It's a think. I go all crazy when things don't look clean and orderly. My life with a toddler is real fun. And I want another one...
