Friday, January 29, 2010


Is my house always spotless? Of course. Bwahaha! I couldn't keep a straight face for that one. Yesterday I was feeling pretty bad. Which means I got nothing done. Which means today is going to be really hard. The next on my list is the kitchen. My dishes are overflowing right now. I hate doing dishes. I will probably not conquer them for another hour or two. Why? I just cleaned the front room. I picked up toys, trash and vacuumed. I am tired, hurting, huffing and puffing like I just ran a marathon. I am also extremely hot and sweating.

I recently got my hair cut. Was it a must have? In my mind, yes. I hadn't had it cut it over a year. When my hair goes to long without being cut the ends get itchy. My hair is also really, really thick. In Louisiana humidity this is not fun. I usually have it thinned when I get it cut. Plus, the hair that was growing back from where it had been shaved for my surgery was significantly shorter than the rest. It had become just long enough to stick straight out to the side like Bozo the Clown's but not quite long enough to put in a ponytail. I also refused to be tamed by clips.

In all my infinate wisdom, I had my hair chopped off. The cut looks good, mind you. I also got my bangs cut it a way that I can keep them over my left eye. It has seriously cut down on stares. It is just now to short to put up. Still long enough to cling to my neck when I'm hot and sweaty. Note to self: stop cutting too short to pull back.

Wasn't this post tittled cleaning? How many of you actually expected me to stay on topic? You should know better by now. Really.

I have laundry to do. Clothes and diapers. But see, we live in an apartment. We do not have a washer and dryer in said apartment. I can not get said laundry and toddler out to where washer and dryer are. So we have to wait for the poor husband to have time. I love the man, he tries so hard.

And yes, I did say diapers as part of my laundry. We cloth diaper. While the part about doing good for the enviroment makes me feel good. I even like the part about saving money. Heck, I love the part about saving money. My son has seemed to inherit my super sensitive skin. Meaning, he developed an allergic reaction to disposable diapers and wipes. It took us a little while, but now that we have the hang of cloth we wouldn't use anything else. I mean, get this. We can use the diapers we have now for the next baby. That's a lot of money saved. I may even be moved to do a post on cloth diapers at some point.

My biggest cleaning frustration is trash. I can not take it out and it is often difficult to get my husband to do so. It kind of goes like this:

Day 1:
Me: "Babe, don't forget to take out the trash."
Him: "Okay. In a few minutes."

The next morning, he leaves for work and I still have trash.

Day 2:
Me: "Baby, the trash really needs to go out."
Him: "All right. In a few minutes."

About half an hour or so goes by.

Me: "Baby, don't forget about the trash."
Him: "I know. I said I'd get it in a few minutes."
Me: "It's been 30, dear."
Him: "I'll get it."

This goes on for the rest of the evening. Something about me nagging gets entered in there somewhere. At which point I remind him he does have a tendancy to forget. Finally, as wee are about to go to bed...

Me: "Did you remember to take out the trash?"
Him: "Crap. But it's dark and cold outside."
Me: "It wasn't when I asked you to do it the first time."

At this point it usually gets taken out first thing the next morning. Now my husband is not lazy by any means. He works hard to support a family of three. He helps out with household chores and with our son. He tries his best to be there for me. I love him a lot and honestly couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else.

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